title: "xtranat"
author: "Fernando DePaolis"
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
fig_height: 6
fig_width: 6
vignette: >
```{r, include = FALSE}
collapse = TRUE,
comment = "#>"
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
The functions in the 'xtranat' package are based on random walks. They compute *Counting Betweenness* and *Random Walk Centrality*. It also computes the intermediate measure *Mean First Pass Time*.
#### Mean First Pass Time
In metrics based on random walks, MFPT (mean first pass time) from node *i* to node *j* is the expected number of steps it takes for the process to reach node *j* from node *i* for the first time.
```{r echo = FALSE, results = 'asis', message = FALSE, warning=FALSE}
mfpt <- function(A) {
## Reads the A-matrix; check if A is a matrix and if it's square. Complete with zeros if necessary
A <- as.matrix(A)
n = nrow(A)
rrss = rowSums(A)
for (i in 1:n) {
if (rrss[i] != 0) {
rrss[i] = 1/rrss[i]
AA = diag(n) - diag(rrss) %*% A #compute transition matrix. Is this "T" in 'mediative effects' Garcia-Muniz 2008?
H = matrix(0, n, n)
I = solve(AA[-1,-1]) ## inverse of AA without 1st column & 1st row
ones = matrix(1, n-1, 1) ## vector of "1"s of length 'n-1'
for (i in 1:n) {
H[-i,i] = I %*% ones ## matrix product; otherwise, non-conformable
if (i < n){
u = AA[-(i+1),i] - AA[-i, (i+1)]
I = I - ((I*u) * I[i,]) / (1 + (I[i,] * u))
v = AA[i, -(i+1)] - AA[(i+1), -i]
I = I - ((I[,i] * (v * I)) / 1 + v * I[,i])
if (AA[(i+1),(i+1)]!=1){
I = solve(AA[-(i+1),-(i+1)], tol = 1e-29)
if (any(is.infinite(I))) { ## i.e. Sherman-Morrison didn't work. When would I(i,j)=infinity
I[is.infinite(I)] <- 0 ## what are the implications of turning infinity to zero?
# I = solve(AA[-(i+1),-(i+1)]) ## Identical to the condition not met, so we removed it
# H <<- H # Forces to write "H" to the global environment
#### Random Walk Centrality
RWC (random walk centrality) of a node is the node's inverse of MFPT (mean first pass time).
```{r echo = FALSE, results = 'asis', message = FALSE, warning=FALSE}
rwc_norm <- function(A) {
## Reads the A-matrix; check if A is a matrix and if it's square. Complete with zeros if necessary
## If any row/column is all zeros, remove it; records their row/column number
nn = nrow(A)
cen = matrix(0,nn,1)
m <- mfpt(A) # H from mfpt{}
for (j in 1:nn) {
if (all(A[j,] == (c(rep(1,(j-1)),0,rep(1,(nn-j)))))) { # This compares each row of H with a rows made of 1s and a zero on the diagonal
cen[j] = 0 # If TRUE (i.e. row of H == 1s) that row of CEN == zero
} else {
cen[j] = nn / sum(m[,j])
cen <- (cen - min(cen)) / (max(cen) - min(cen)) # This is a normalized version, values between "0" and "1"
#### Counting Betweenness
CB (counting betweenness) is a measure of a node's involvement in the paths connecting other nodes. The more paths a node participates in, the more relevant as a connector (or conduit) in the network.
```{r echo = FALSE, results = 'asis', message = FALSE, warning=FALSE}
cbet_norm <- function(A) {
## Reads the A-matrix; removes row/column with all zeros; records their row/column number
A <- as.matrix(A)
m = nrow(A)
rrss = rowSums(A)
retain.vector <- vector(mode="numeric", length=0)
if (0.0 %in% rrss){ ## Checks if there is a row with all zeros
retain.vector <- row(as.matrix(rrss))[which(as.matrix(rrss) == 0)]
AA1 = A[-retain.vector,-retain.vector] ## this is the A-matrix without row/columns of zeros
} else {
AA1 = A
d = diag(rowSums(AA1))
n = nrow(AA1)
ones = matrix(1, n, 1) ## this is a vector of "n" rows by 1 col of "1"
re = matrix(0, n, 1 ) ## this is a vector of "n" rows by 1 col of "0"
for (p in 1:n){
atemp = AA1[-p,-p]
T = solve(d[-p,-p] - atemp, tol = 1e-29)
for (s in 1:n){
if (s != p){
if (s < p){
indx = s
} else if (s > p) {
indx = s - 1
N = as.matrix(diag(T[indx,])) %*% atemp
I = abs(N + t(N)) / 2
re[-p,1] = re[-p,1] + 0.5*((t(colSums(I))) + rowSums(I))
re2 = (re + 2 * (n-1) * ones) / ((n) * (n-1))
res = matrix(0, m, 1)
# restore one or more rows/columns of zeros to their original positions
if (length(retain.vector)!=0) {
res[-retain.vector] <- re2
} else
res <- re2
res <- (res - min(res)) / (max(res) - min(res)) # This is a normalized version, values between "0" and "1"
#### An Example of Metrics from igraph and xtranat (using normalized values)
##### Network graph
Applied to a random network with ten nodes and four randomly located loops. This is a dense, weigthed network.
```{r echo = FALSE, results = 'asis', message = FALSE, warning=FALSE}
# Create random square matrix
#create matrix of 10 random values between 1 and 20
random_matrix <- matrix(runif(n=100, min=0, max=1), nrow=10)
# set diagonal to zeros (most metrics don't handle loops)
# diag(random_matrix) <- 0
# turn some diagonal values to zero
Vec <- c(rep(0, 6), rep(1, 4)) # vector with the proportion of zeros to remove loops
new.diag <- (diag(random_matrix)*sample(Vec))
diag(random_matrix) <- new.diag # replaces original diagonal
```{r echo = FALSE, message = FALSE, warning=FALSE}
# Plots the network
ran_graph <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(random_matrix, weighted=TRUE)
plot(ran_graph, layout=layout_nicely, vertex.color="lightblue",
##### Table with values of network metrics from igraph and xtranat
```{r echo = FALSE, results = 'asis', message = FALSE, warning=FALSE}
Eig1 <- evcent(ran_graph)$vector
Eig1n <<- (Eig1 - min(Eig1)) / (max(Eig1) - min(Eig1)) #Normalized Eigen
CL1 <- closeness(ran_graph, v=V(ran_graph),
normalized = FALSE)
CL1n <<- (CL1 - min(CL1)) / (max(CL1) - min(CL1)) #Normalized Closeness
ran_BET_norm <- cbet_norm(random_matrix)
ran_RWC_norm <- rwc_norm(random_matrix)
results <- as.data.frame(cbind(Eig1n,ran_RWC_norm,CL1n,ran_BET_norm))
names(results)[1] <- "Eigen Cent"
names(results)[2] <- "RWC"
names(results)[3] <- "Closeness"
names(results)[4] <- "CBET"
names_spaced <- c('Eigenvector
'Random Walk
## add
kable(results, format='html',
booktabs = T, align = "r", linesep = "",
col.names = names_spaced,
escape = FALSE
) %>%
kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped"),full_width = F)
#### Closing Comments
We developed these metrics in DePaolis, F., Murphy, P. & De Paolis Kaluza, M.C. "Identifying key sectors in the regional economy: a network analysis approach using input--output data," *Appl Netw Sci* 7, 86 (2022).[Link](https://doi.org/10.1007/s41109-022-00519-2). Some of the theoretical foundations are in Blöchl F, Theis FJ, Vega-Redondo F, and Fisher E. "Vertex Centrality in Input-Output Networks Reveal the Structure of Modern Economies," *Physical Review E* 83(4):046127, 2011.[Link](https://journals.aps.org/pre/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevE.83.046127)
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